quinta-feira, novembro 24, 2005

Which Is the Fly and Which Is the Human?

Tinha de vir aqui ter, mais uma vez a Cronenberg, mas desta feita mais centrado na musa deste blog, William Burroughs. Uma homenagem a festim nu, um excerto de uma entrevista com William S. Burroughs e David Cronenberg:

The film that would showcase addicts hooked on insecticide, lizardlike aliens known as mugwumps who suckle humans on mugwump jism, and Roy Scheider, had its genesis when the director and the writer met in 1984 at Burroughs's seventieth birthday party in New York City. Cronenberg visited Burroughs a few times in Kansas, discussing how to approach their project. ``I wanted William's blessing, because basically, there was nothing he could do for me, I had to do it myself'' Cronenberg finally wrote the script in 1989. ``I sent it [to Burroughs] to see what his reaction would be. He hated it and threatened to sue.'' Burroughs smiles indulgently. He actually liked the script, but a Japanese backer pulled out after reading a translation of the screenplay. ``It could have been something as simple as talking assholes,'' says Cronenberg with a shrug.

``It's a limited kingdom,'' Cronenberg says with a proud smile, ``but it's mine. One of the reasons Burroughs excited me when I read him was that I recognized my own imagery in his work," he says. ``It sounds only defensive to say, `I was already thinking of a virus when I read that!' But there is a recognition factor. That's why I think you start to feel like you're vibrating in harmony with someone else. It's the recognition, not that they introduced you to something that was completely unthought of by you.´´

``Here's my conceit,'' says Cronenberg. ``Burroughs and I have been fused in the same telepod together,'' he says, referring to The Fly, where Jeff Goldblum and a housefly are fused at the molecular genetic level. ``And what you've got now is the Brundlething, which is my and his version of Naked Lunch. It's a fusion of the two of us, and it really is something that neither one of us would have done alone. Now I don't know which of us is the fly and which is human.''

Não acho que os fimes devam colar-se em demasia aos livros... se os autores derem margem para isso... este também já não o vejo há muito tempo.


Blogger merdinhas said...

A mosca já existia ...Tive que ir ver porque não me lembrava mas no fim dos anos 50 o filme tinha sido realizado por Kurt Neumann e adaptado a partir de um livro. Mas Cronenberg e Burroughs são uma "fusão" a não perder. Como será a não perder a fusão escritor/máquina de escrever em Nacked Lunch.Quem é quem? Por agora não vou falar mais disso porque tenho (ainda no limbo) uma ideia para um post...

10:02 da manhã  
Blogger Hugo Brito said...

George Langelaan escreveu a história para os dois filmes, com ligeiras alterações de 1958 para 1986.

Retirado de IMDB:

The Fly (1958)

Andre Delambre: [about the cat killed by the transporter] She disintegrated perfectly, but never reappeared.
Helene Delambre: Where's she gone?
Andre Delambre: Into space... a stream of cat atoms...
Andre Delambre: It'd be funny if life weren't so sacred.

The Fly (1986)

Veronica Quaife: I'm not eating this, a monkey just came apart in there.
Seth Brundle: Baboon. Eat.

11:50 da manhã  
Blogger Naked Lunch said...

merdinhas, depois diz qq coisa...

1:35 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

bem, como leste no meu blog, este foi o último que comprei, e é um grande filme. gosto muito (e cada vez mais, honestamente) do cronenberg.

7:46 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ótimo blog... Parabéns!


5:34 da tarde  

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