The operation is very technical -- Look at a photomontage -- it makes a statement in flexible picture language -- Let us call the statement made by a given photomontage X -- We can use X words and X colors X odors X images and so forth to define the various aspects of X -- Now we feed X into the calculating machine and X scans out related colors, juxtapositions, affect-charged images and so forth and we can attenuate or concentrate X by taking out or adding elements and feeding back into the machine factors we wish to concentrate -- A Technician learns to think and write in association blocks which can then be manipulated according to laws the laws of association and juxtaposition -- The basic law of association and conditioning is known to college students even in America; Any object, feeling, odor, word or image will be associated with it -- Our Technicians learn to read newspapers and magazines for juxtaposition statements rather than alleged content -- We express these statements in Juxtaposition Formulae -- The formulae of course control populations of the world -- Yes it is fairly easy to predict what people will think see feel and hear a thousand years from now if you write the Juxtaposition Formulae to be used in that period....
Images -- millions of images -- That's what I eat -- Cyclotron shit -- Ever try kicking that habit with apomorphine? -- Now I got all the images of sex acts and torture ever took place anywhere and I can just blast it out and control you gooks right down to the molecule -- I got orgasms -- I got screams -- I got all the images any hick poet ever shit out -- My Power's coming -- My Power's coming -- My Power's coming -- ... And I got millions and millions and millions of images of Me, Me, Me, meee.
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